Monday 18 April 2016

Ren Flash Rinse 1 Minute Facial

This isn't going to be the most positive of posts. This thing hurts. I got it as part of the M&S advent calendar and I was really excited, as everything I've tried from REN I have loved. However, this is a negative nilly. 

You put it on, then wet your fingers, rub them all over your face to activate the Vitamin C, wait a minute and wash it off. All well and good. Skin feels great. Until about 30 seconds later when the tight, almost burning sensation kicks in. It hurts. On the surface my skin feels great, yet it just burns. The only way I have found (from a couple of uses of the product) is to slather moisturiser on straight afterwards to kill off the burn. I think, from my experience with the product it should not be marketed for all skin types at all!

I would urge caution with this if you have sensitive skin. Let me know if you have similar experiences/ good experiences! Sorry for being so negative!

Lots of Love,

