Saturday 11 June 2016

YouTube Subs for Subs

God this train journey has been blog post mad, I'm on my second one!

So I've been sat here thinking, in between trying to phone my sister (thanks English countryside service real appreciate u) and eating Katsu curry- mah crack, about the whole YouTube sub for sub thing.

It irks me, like it really bloody irks me. I don't get it, I don't get where the benefit of someone subscribing to you just cos they want you to subscribe back gets you or them. They're subscribing to try and boost their own shiz, yet once you subscribe rarely do they ever watch anything in return, or do you?

When I subscribe to people, I subscribe because I really enjoy their videos, whether it is makeup or first class plane videos (don't judge they're so addictive) not because they're threatening me that they won't subscribe to me if I don't subscribe to them. 

I'm not massively arsed if one person or one million people watched my video, I would want them to be watching it because they actually wanted to. I want them to watch because they thought my shoddily edited video looked like something right up their street, not because they think they can get something out of it. I would want them to watch and subscribe to my videos because they liked what they saw during my shameless Twitter self promotion or because it came up on their YouTube suggestions and they were curious or wanted a laugh. I would want them to because they think my terrible accent is listenable and what shit I'm chatting is useful for them.

I think I would rather stay with my current 10 subscribers than 1,000,000 if that 1,000,000 weren't actually bothered on the first place.

What's your opinion on this?

Lots of love,

