Thursday 5 May 2016

Revision, My Gripes with Vlogging & Blogging and Traffic.

Hi everyone and I hope you're all well. Today's post is brought to you by a Hev who is trying to not crumble under revision stress. I have an exam in approximately 12 hours *gulp* and I'm not confident at all. I know basics of what I'm probably going to get asked but I am royally shitting it. Why anyone needs to to know about the Olfactory system I do not know. 

My little old blog seems to actually be generating traffic. Not big league stuff but views every day. Views from websites that look quite suspicious to me but traffic is traffic. I just hope I'm not getting used as the face of porn or a gateway to other horrible things!

Recently my annoyance at 'bloggers' and 'vloggers' has been increasing rapidly. I got into the whole community through finding Pixiwoo's videos on Channel 4's website (in sixth form?) and was hooked from there. That's a really long time. There is people on the internet I've watched from their first or second video and thought I would be with them throughout their You Tube careers. I've witnessed many people who I used to love (looking at you Tanya Burr and co) change completely to something I cannot relate to or quite frankly stand to watch. I know this is a stance many people have now about the whole You Tube community but I don't think its an opinion that is gonna go anywhere any time soon. I find it really quite unnerving and uncomfortable seeing grown adults morphe from adults to some quasi like child as soon as they get slightly famous. I get that 'creators' (I don't really get any of these names they get labelled with) need to appeal to the people who are watching their videos and are ultimately buying all their merch, books and beauty lines, but there comes a time when you actually have to appear to be a 'real' person; instead of this completely transparent fakery that so many are displaying. If you want to be so outwardly and obviously fake then go ahead! Just do it from the start of your channel instead of from when your management want you to appeal more to young impressionable teenage girls.
It just makes me embarrassed to see grown adults dumbing themselves down for money. I get uncomfortable seeing so many 'trying fish sweets from Taiwan' and 'whisper in my ear and make it look like a barrel of lols' challenges constantly appearing in my subscription boxes from the same unoriginal You Tubers over and over again; You Tubers that when I subscribed in the first place and were a lot smaller, were actually producing funny, watchable content. The constant smugness from these 'vloggers' also irritates me no end, yes we know you live in million pound houses ans yes we know you're the ambassador for Americas fungal nail crisis but please, stop pushing it down our throats 24/7. My last gripe of this rant is at the internet famous who think they're actually famous, who are constantly tweeting about how much they loved meeting this celebrity and how they're such great friends; yet they never seem to get a reply, never seem to be seen anywhere with them or have photos with them outside blogging events *inserts thinking emoji here*.

Well that feels nice to get off my chest. I think its great that these people have managed to create an amazing career out of You Tube but I think that the dumbing down and pedanticness it has cost them hasn't been worth it.

See you after exams!

