Tuesday 10 May 2016

Lets Catch Up on the Week

The events of the weekend have thrown me completely off course. I wrote about them in detail in a blog post that I am still unsure whether to post. Its so raw and personal to me that at the moment I couldn't face anyone but myself reading it. I'm meant to be revising for tomorrows exam yet I'm sat in bed crying over the fact that wouldn't it be nice for someone to want to come and see me? Actually want to be around me romantically and not just sexually. It would be nice to not just be used for when someone else's life is going down the toilet. I'm having a very hard time getting over the weekend and what happened because it just pulled back to the surface so much hurt, anger and upset on my half. I highly doubt through all the apologising the other half ever gave a shit. It's nice though to now have a valid reason for pure hatred so there is a positive in all this. I think I've had a lucky escape.

I finish Uni tomorrow and I am absolutely terrified. The dog was in my family home again and I did well, until the dog jumped on me and then it all went very south very, very fast. I overdid it and need to take slightly more baby steps around Louis.

I've finished at the dermatologist, theres nothing more they can do for me. Could they have not just told me this on phone? Instead of wasting valuable revision time travelling to the 10 minute useless appointment from Sheffield? I've now got to wait for the Acute Trust to get their act together and send me an appointment, which is currently 10 months after they should have...

Now I've pulled myself together a bit I can face revising the absolute joys of food adulteration *yawns*.

Lots of Love,

