Saturday 11 July 2015

Hospital 2 Weeks On- Excision of Pilonidal Sinus Surgery

Me two weeks on look how perky I am!

Hi guys. Sorry I've been slightly out of action but you can probably guess from the title it's about my time from my hospital part deux post and today, which is 2 weeks. A lot has changed in the last two weeks regarding my wound of doom so I thought I would give some low down. 
Pilonidal sinuses are pretty tricky bitches to deal with, the surgeon has to cut quite the chunk out of your arse to get rid of it and make sure it stays gone. You then have to live off codeine and lie on your side for what feels like eternity! But alas, it apparently gets slightly better.
I've had a slightly bumpy ride with this but I feel like my healing is finally on track. I never managed to go home like I wanted to get served black tea and toast on a silver platter as I was stuck going to the hospital every day to get packed up.
I am still going to the hospital every day as my stitches failed. There was a 50% chance of this happening and I knew that but when you're that uncomfortable and that out of your tits on codeine it's still a blow and I ended up sat in my car crying my eyes out on the phone to my mom after they told me the one had failed. I had 3 outer stitches in all together and the final one was taken out yesterday. The first last week when it was sat there doing nothing and the second on Thursday when again it was clinging onto nothing. The final one was taken out yesterday on its actual due date but again hasn't done much. 

Packing the original drain hole was pretty painless to begin with and I thought this is fine I can do this! Packing my 2cm deep hole right across my stiches however not so pleasant, it's like 15 seconds of painful pressure depending on the nurse and how they do it, they all have their own techniques. I know that I am incredibly lucky to only have a 2cm deep hole when horrendously and unbelievably some people are cursed with 7cm and more holes to pack :(. I currently get packed with some Aqua based packing with seaweed in it instead of the sorbisan I was originally on which seems to work well and turns to jelly when it absorbs ya leakage! I am then getting the wound covered with opsite bandages which are great but horrendously, horrendously sticky (get your nurse to get hold of pure acetone to combat this!). My leakage has reduced dramatically now which is making me feel more confident about the wound.

Current pain is not too bad, I am finally coming off codeine and have managed 2 free days from it which is heaven for my anal muscles let me tell you. I don't know whether I mentioned in my previous hospital post that this shit backs you up like no ones business and trying to get one out is what probably split my stiches (woo). I have 2 paracetamols before I drive and it's pretty ok then. I have gone back to work. I went back 6 days after my op and to be honest it was probably a couple of days too soon. I was emotionally and physically exhausted from siting at my desk and doing relatively nothing! I was given a 3 week sick note but I think that for me would have been too long. I had a full week at work this week and it's been getting better since I changed what chair to sit on (wheely office chairs out). Driving hasn't been horrendous but pot holes are nasty and I've learnt to lift my bum up slightly to avoid the impact.

I'm going to add a picture of the wound down below and if you don't want to see as it is a bit grim (my sister refuses to look) then this will be the end of the post for you and I hope this has shed some useful light onto this!) 

Now then the top image is from a week after surgery and the bottom was taken yesterday.

The bottom picture looks worse right? Well wrong. It's finally healing! Apparently the pink is my skin healing. What does look bizzare however is my drain hole (the bottom hole) is now careering into the stitches hole to make one big ass hole which is annoying and has been pulling and so friggin painful but hopefully after that it should all heal properly from the inside out.

I hope this hasn't made you feel too sick but it's nice to talk about this in my own safe space! I'm back off to the hospital in a sec to go get packed again, wild Saturday's all round!

Hope you have a lovely day,

Love, Hev
