Thursday 31 March 2016

today is a wet fish day

I'm an emotional wet fish today. I'm on, for the second time in 2 weeks and I'm a mess. I am sick to death of rifampicin wreaking havoc with my periods. To go from a girl who, since the age of 11, has been regular as clockwork, to having periods that show up willy nilly is soul destroying. Hopefully when this bout of tablets finish they will finally go back to normal. I also had my first HS boil since I started rifampicin which actually burst this week, which just made me feel even worse. I'm taking these tablets every day to try and fix myself and it crushes me that they are not working to their max (I know there is a % that it doesn't fully work for and I'm just upset about it).

I've just read a book all about unrequited love, and it infurates me that they don't get together until they are fucking 40 years old. My favourite books to read are unrequited love ones, preferably set when they are at university (don't ask why). I think they just resonate with me the most. I've been in so, so, many situations where I have liked someone and they don't like me, or don't like me enough to want to make something happen with me, that I cling on for dear life to the happy endings in these books. I want my happy ending. I would just prefer it to be slightly earlier than 40 please.

I finally found the dress for the graduation ball, will have to lay off the KFC for a few weeks but it makes me feel sexy. I'm gonna guess the photos of me will make me look horrendous but its the inner feelings that count, right?

Well now I'm crying, I am blaming this solely on the period. I'm going to watch a film about unrequited love, make myself some toast and eat my body weight in chocolate.

Night world,

