Thursday 13 July 2017

My Three Ultimate Eye Brushes

So I said in my last post that I wanted to write about what I feel passionate about again, and well these three beauties I am bloody well passionate about! I use them every. single. day. that I put eye shadow on, and they dun half help you create the most effortless smokey eye using the MAC babes Woodwinked, Omega and Satin Taupe (I've written about them before here) in about a minute- no joke!

They are the MAC 217, Sigma E40 Tapered Blending and Sigma E30 Pencil Brush. They make slapping your face on a complete easy breeze and clean up like a dream! I have had these brushes for yonks (remember when Sigma was all the rage on Youtube?) and they are still the best eye brushes in my 2 pot collection. If I was forced to give away all but three of my eye makeup brushes, these would be the ones that could not be prised from my cold dead hands!

MAC 217 there is a reason why this brush gets constantly spoken about, its so soft on the eye, packs on and blends product beautifully and cleans up so well. the right size for my slightly hooded eyes and enables me to have full control of what I am slapping on my face! I got this as a birthday present for myself and I have not regretted the teeth cringing £21 outlay for this. If I was a multi millionaire I might be persuaded to get another!

Sigma E40 Tapered Blending. I think this could be the only brush in my entire ridiculously verging on hording collection of brushes that I have twice; it is that good. If you've monumentally fucked up like I do on a daily basis with your eye shadow, a quick swish of this brush around the outside blends that seam out and makes everything look like you were meant to do that. When washed it does shed a couple of hairs but I will accept that for the blow out blend it gives me, and being black means that you can kind of pretend its cleaner than it is, right? A much more reasonable £13.60 too (you can get Sigma on Feel Unique in UK).

Finally we hit upon the E30 pencil brush, the under-eye dream. Just the right size to create dramz without looking like you've woken up after the worst hangover of your life, it gives such definition and washes with no hair out of place. Super soft and no hint of a scratch either, and well worth the £12 tag.

If you're lazy and a tad cack handed with the ol makeup brushes- I would recommend giving these a shot!