Thursday 12 May 2016

University and the Blog

So I've finished Uni! A time that I never thought would arrive has, and all I have to do now is wait for my results. I'm pretty confident I will finish with a 2:1 which will make all my dreams come true.

So for the blog, my goal this summer is to focus in on my blog and try to develop a proper, semi regular, schedule. I by no means want to become some super blogger you see everywhere, but would quite like people to nosey on in and interact with me! I will be trying to step up my social media game on twitter too (I cannot guarantee you instagram soz) and try to connect with like minded bloggers, who dabble in beauty but mainly want to waffle on incessantly about their lives. I also have the camera off my sister, so I am hoping to actually make some more poorly edited beauty videos. I find it much easier to talk to the camera about beauty than actually write about it, and it is definitely a more fun process for me. I am also going to be dabbling in trying to make my blog as elegant and sophisticated I can make it with my very limited coding skills!

So there you have it, hopefully there will be some fun content (lol) coming your way from me in the next few weeks, so that I don't just spend my entire summer reading Game of Thrones theories...

Lots of Love,



p.s my twitter is @livingheather and my instagram is also @livingheather