Wednesday, 25 May 2016

I Think I've Become One of Them...

With personal posts like this, I'm always very wary of promoting them. It's one thing to write about your life and click post, and it's another to want to actively distribute it and say 'I'm here!'. This post might be one of the first personal posts to ever make it to my 'promote to the hilt list'. Over the past couple of weeks, I think I have actually started to understand the allure of the blogging world.

Now don't get me wrong, I've been following blogs for years and I am well aware of all the perks that seem to come with getting a lot of followers, but I never really saw what was in it for the little guys. You know, the ones like me, who aren't in it to become 'famous' or to get free stuff, but blog as a vent and a hobby. I never really saw what sporadic bloggers like me could gain from actually having a 'schedule', but it has dawned on me that there is quite a bit.

Over the past week I have been investing quite a sizeable amount of my time in my blog. I don't have a monkeys whether it is just because I actually have time, or whether it is because I am starting to see more that I can get out of it. I've even given myself a schedule *gulps* (Tuesday, Thursday and a video Sunday, personal posts whenever, if you were curious which I just know you were).

I have seen quite the change in me. I have been active on my blogs social media (hit me up on Instagram or Twitter if you're so inclined), something I never do because I am so lazy to the point where it is actually pathetic; to taking my own bloody stock photos. Stock photos!!! So that my post like these aren't so god-damn boring and are more eye-catching for people to look at. I've even finally figured out how to use Google Analytics and how to use internet recipes.

I keep wanting to eye roll at myself constantly; but at the same time, I actually feel proud of myself *sicks in mouth*. I'm proud of myself for actually sticking to something for at least a week, for actually bothering to record and edit videos, and for bothering to pull out the nice camera to do stuff instead of just my iPhone. Maybe it's because I found out my other sister Caitlin reads my blog too, Maybe it's because I've sort of learnt how to use semi colons. Who knows? But weirdly I'm enjoying it, and I totally get why people get so sucked into this life.

I'm quite sure I will never be one of those sugar coated bloggers with the perfect feed and the perfect content because well ain't nobody got time for that, but I do hope I continue to interact with other bloggers of my size and a little bit bigger, to help each other and support each other.

I may look back on this post next week or next year and laugh at myself, I might have fallen out of love with blogging, I might be a multi millionaire blogger (we can always dream of the millions can't we?) but I do hope this little period of enthusiasm keeps up, because I really am enjoying myself.

Now I am off to go edit the stock photo for this post. I hate myself.

Lots of Love,

