Wednesday 28 December 2016

Hi Blog

Oh dear. I am terrible.

I last posted anything on my blog at the end of July- 5 months ago. Oooops.

It hasn't been that I haven't wanted to post anything- quite the opposite actually- but my life has spiralled off and I've not had the sudden urge to write, possibly because my feelings have been quite settled recently, or because there is so much to say that it's a bit overwhelming.

I'm a fully fledged trainee teacher now who has survived her first term. I can't believe it, but I honestly feel like I have walked into my calling. I just need to get my head back around food science and technology (I am great at practical/ nutrition- you can tell where my brain was at uni) and stop giving kids the benefit of the doubt and send them out more, then I'll be good to go! I feel as confident as I can be in my abilities, and I just constantly want to learn more and more and grow and grow so I can be the best teacher I can be. I just have to write the essays now...

The big kicker of the last 5 months has been the return of my pilonidal sinus problems and the surgery I've just had on it again. If you have ever read my blog before you will know I had the operation about 18 months ago to remove it, everything was fine and dandy- I even wrote a one year on post about it! But alas, like everything in my life, it came back to bite me on the arse. At the time of writing this it has been 8 days since my last op and I think my recovery has been a lot better. I was far less mopey because I wasn't allowed morphine and therefore I wasn't sick- but instead I was given local aesthetic in the area which travelled down my sciatic nerve in my left leg so I had no feeling whatsoever there, or in my bladder which the nurses certainly enjoyed giggling at! I am still getting packed everyday and I have finally managed to stop taking codeine so I'll be able to drive again which will be nice. The wound is much larger than last time and will obviously take much longer to heal, but I've done it once and I can do it again, lets just hope the 3rd time isn't the charm!

I am still in Sheffield and I still love it. More and more recently I have been resenting the fact that I may have to move out and back home to find a job. My life is in Sheffield and I have no intention of leaving. Whilst Birmingham is and always will be home, Sheffield is my very own home, you know?

Another shock to the system is that I have actually kinda stuck to slimming world this time, and currently I have lost 11.5lbs (not counting the Christmas gain). I've joined the social team and it has really become a part of my life, if I could only just get to my pesky target before Glasto!

Over the last 5 months people have left, and people have wandered into my life. I think on reflection all this chopping and changing has been good for me, the ones who have left made their imprint but left so I could grow a bit taller and more independent and more bloody cliché. The romance department is still the same, lacking in substance and I appear to be just be repeating old patterns. I am currently trying to have a word with myself about this, any tips on how to get yourself out of your own made, heavily fenced romance rut would be greatly appreciated.

My family relations are still the same, annoying males and hero females. I doubt this will ever change so I think I'm just going to embrace the good out of it and weasel out the bad from my life.

So there, that is my roundup since July! I hope you've all had a fabulous Christmas and I hope you all have the most gorgeous new year,

Lots of love,



P.S, I graduated!