Saturday 1 August 2015


My favourite month has arrived on my doorstep. Why is this month my favourite month you may ask? Well its ma bifday month and so is the month of spoiling Miss Heather Lauren O'Neill rotten. August is also the month that the little gremmers my darling sisters were born to try and fail to steal my thunder hehe. 

Why am I writing a blog post about August? Probably because I could wet myself with excitement for this month. I have so much planned, which I probably cannot afford with my newly found unemployed status, but I cannie wait. 

This is me at the moment, shouting left right and centre about my magical holidays I have coming up and spending my placement money wisely...

Rome is somewhere I have been gagging to go for a stupidly long time, I studied Ancient History and Classical Civilisation at A-Level and you just cannot be not gagging to trot off to see the Roman Empire after that. So yeah, in the middle of August me and my darling sis are trotting off to Rome and I cannot bloody wait *cue millions of blog posts on ancient history and food*.

The land of shopping dreams will be where I spend my 22nd birthday this year. This was an unintentional trip that started from a tiny idea and snowballed into me, my sissy and aunty trotting off to the other side of the world for 5 days. I want to see everything, Times Square, Sephora, Empire State Building, you name it I want to see it. I am scared pooless of the flight and the jet-lag but apart from that I can't see anywhere else I would like to spend my birthday this year. I am also going to wander into the mothership and encase myself in all the brands I need in my life but we can't get over here.

I would like to try to blog and maybe vlog some of our trips, not just for others to watch but so we can try and show our family and friends just what we got up to. Please let us know if that would even be remotely interesting. 

So holiday talk over, I am also popping to London a few times, the first to spend my sisters birthday there and see a show at the Royal Opera House ooh fancy and go to the zoo, and the second to hopefully see one of my besties who I haven't seen for about 18 months.

So there we have it a little low down on what I plan to be getting up to this month to enjoy my last month of freedom before FINAL YEAR *shudders*.

Let me know what your plans are for this month too!

Lots of Love,
