Friday, 26 June 2015

Hospital- Excision of Pilonidal Sinus Surgery

Yes lovely 

So here I am, it's 11pm and I'm in hospital. As I mentioned in my HS post I was having an operation this week to remove a pilonidal sinus. If you don't know what one of these is feel free to google it. I've only been able to eat a light breakfast at 7am and was fully nil by mouth after 11am. I went into hospital at 12pm and had the operation at 3pm. Getting general anaesthetic put into you is a very weird sensation, like I felt like I was getting filled up with a panic attack. (Sorry to say that but that's how I felt and I'm in no mood for happy flowers and daisies description). I came round after about half an hour under in quite frankly excruciating pain. I was told I was getting local anaesthetic into the area to make it better when I woke up but that had fuck all effect. Waking up with a tube down your mouth isn't fun either, and I was fully convinced I had woken up mid surgery which I didn't but having a tube in your mouth is really fucking disorientating. I came round to a lovely nurse who was making me laugh and feeding me morphine as who doesn't like a truck load of painkillers? At this point I was crying as I was in so much pain and the local anaesthetic had done fuck all. Got myself wheeled up to the ward and I heard the nurses talking about the fact I needed daily packing. If you want to google the procedure yourself it talks all about that, and that is what I was told I wasn't having, I was having stiches and closure so hearing that half asleep half drugged out sent me into complete blind panic and I really must have pissed the nurses off at that point. They called my momma and she came up to the ward and I had a good cry which was much needed. Then nausea hit and that is why I am still here overnight. I had to request a sick bucket as I was gonna vom and I was given my first batch of anti nausea medicine through my canular. It did fuck all to the point where it made my sickness so much worse and because of this the nurses wouldn't allow me to have food just invade I threw it up, but at this point I had gone 11 hours without food and I was absolutely fucking starving. I eventually got some dairy free sandwiches up and between nearly vomiting, napping and eating it took me a good 2 hours for this. I was still on verge of vom Central so managed to get another dose of anti sickness but this has had no effect either. The nurse said it could be the morphine doing this as all the side effects match up which is brilliant. I had 10mg of morphine and it provided no relief whatsoever. My surgeon came and saw me and said I had actually been stiched which is a relief but I need to get packed for the drain he's put into my skin just in case there's any gross puss and stuff that wants out. This means I'll be off to the hospital or doctors for at least the next week everyday to get it re packed and I am not looking forward to this in the slightest. I have plans for next weekend which are clearly not going to happen anymore with having a 1cm gaping hole in my arse! I haven't had any other pain relief than this morphine which sucks cos it is agony and I just want to go home. I feel like I've regressed into such a child but I think that happens when you're ill you just can't help wanting your parent and a hug. I am currently still in hospital overnight as I finally started to be sick and now they won't let me out, and it is 'unusual' that the antisickness hasn't worked which is just so fucking typical of my body. It has acted as a nice distraction though. I am now lying in bed watching Florence rock it at Glasto feeling very sorry for myself and just wanting to eat something other than dry fucking bread. I also have to wear compression socks for the next 6 weeks! 6 fucking weeks, no calf tan for me then just look at them

Wow that makes my calves look monumentally fat woo

I can only take them off for an hour a day as well which pretty much sucks a fucking dick.

A nurse is about to in ally bring me painkillers and motion sickness tablets and hopefully this will end it so I can go home in the morning.

Sorry about the moaning willy you have here but I'm in hospital and I'm fucking fed up. Normal cheeriness will resume whenever I don't want to kill someone!

Lots of love,

