Saturday, 23 May 2015

Little Bit About Me

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Hi everyone!

Welcome to my blog.
 My name is Heather, I'm 21 and slightly obsessed with make-up, beauty and food.
 That is quite a cliché in the blogging world but I think I can bring something different to the table! I am currently in the last few weeks of my work placement year from Uni and I am working in the food industry for this. Working with food means super stringent make-up, apparently people don't really like finding make-up in their food, who knows why... I have another blog along side my sister which is a blog about dairy free eating, which can be found here! This blog will be mainly me going on about make-up, showing off my hideously dirty brushes and trying out different bits and bobs to try and combat chronic acne and a tiny bit on food that I can't stop eating! Hope someone, anyone will find this an interesting read!

Thanks for stopping by.

Love, Hev