I managed to get mine removed privately via the NHS due to a massive appointment cock up where the doctors forgot to refer me *rolls eyes* and I had a great experience. Not that you would be able to tell it was a great experience from the right moody judy posts I was publishing whilst high as a kite (here, here and here).
The whole process was bloody painful and it was a long, laborious operation. I first had a bad reaction to morphine and I was so naucious I ended up in hospital overnight (too tip, force them to give you the anti sickness before the morphine). I had 6 weeks of constantly having to get my arse packed with all that good medical stuff and it took its toll. It was painful doing almost anything for about 3 weeks until my nerves finally decided to stop being in pain and I could finally come off codeine. It was time consuming, I had to go to the hospital/ doctors everyday, having to carefully shower and remove the padding to get it freshly done. I had to have a week off work (was signed off for more time but suprisingly I was getting very restless) and should have actually had more time off. Driving was a pain, sleeping was a pain and due to the volume of codeine I was consuming trying to have a shit was nigh on impossible.
When I say I had a great experience it was because I had a great surgeon, the hospital went above and beyond to accommodate me and my arse and I had no complications and it has healed perfectly, so from that point of view it was great.
I have healed perfectly. I've had no reemergence, no more boils up my arse crack and no more trouble from there. If God forbid you have a pilonidal sinus, I would highly recommend getting it sorted as quickly as possible. I had a relatively shallow sinus (about 3cm?) but some have extreme sinuses due to not seeking medical attention.
I thought, one year on I would leave some of my top tips for anyone who has one of these:
- Anti sickness is your best friend, demand it before the morphine gets the better of you and you vom your guts up.
- Take your pain killers religiously, don't try and be the big guy by missing one because you think you can (boy I learnt that the hard way in week 2).
- Don't be alarmed if you are stitched and they split, you will still heal and probably better than with stitches.
- Don't have an argument with the nurses because they say that you have to get packed just as you're coming round from your general like I did, it's unpleasant for all (and makes you look like a prat).
- Be scrupulous with your hygeine. Wash your wound thoroughly everyday with as much power as you can tolerate. Don't put soap anywhere near there. I ended up washing my hair over the bowl separately to minimise risk.
- Don't overdo it. I got restless and thought I could hack far more than I actually could. They sign you off work for 3 weeks for a reason. Rest up. Don't go moving out of your flat the day after, that type of thing!
I'm sure there are many more things I could say but I can't remember them now. If you think you have one of these or are about to have the op or are in recovery, please feel free to talk to me about it. I would love to help and try to ease any worries you have!
If you have one of these, get the op. It's a no brainier.
Lots of love,