Hello world, happy 2016!
I'm currently sat in bed hungover with a fat hallam nation stamp on my hand, debating whether or not to walk down the road (probs will drive) to KFC or not (who am I kidding? I'm hungover I'm there).
2016 started with a really nice family night, barely any drama (miracles can and do happen... occasionally), playing trivial pursuit, which amazingly momma bear won! It was also nice to get through a family evening without my dad falling asleep on the floor pissed as a fart and sounding like a dead beached whale. Thanks dads sobriety! It will have been a whole year for him next month and I'm so chuffing proud of him. I keep meaning to write a blog post about my relationship with alcohol and my dad, I have one sat in my drafts but it's something I only tend to write in when I'm crazily angry with him, which I don't think is fair to either of us. One day it will be on the bright lights of my blog!
I get a lot of hits from Russia on this blog, so whoever is reading my blog in Russia multiple times a day thank you!
The situation I've been winging and moaning about over the last few months has ended. Abruptly. When I say abruptly, I mean abruptly. It wasn't my decision but the rose tinted glasses have come off, it's been nearly a month now and I'm fine. I always knew it was a crap, draining situation to be in but rose tinted glasses make you feel like nothing is wrong and it will all work out in the end. Like my darling sister likes to tell me; "I don't understand why you have such bad luck with boys", I have no idea either. I like to think it was because I had the most perfect relationship in a past life so I am experiencing crap now in this one. I did go on a date this month, which was ok but hasn't gone anywhere, didn't think it would either.
I'm in my final semester at uni, my last coursework is in on the 22nd April and Game of Thrones is back on the 24th April (yaaaaas) which completely terrifies me, I want to graduate now but never leave uni, weird huh?
I don't think I really mention to anyone I have this blog, I know my sister reads it (hiya Charl!) but I think thats about it, and a load of strangers too. Me and my baby sis have a dairy free cooking blog shameless plug here if that interests anyone!
Overall life is pretty ok right now, I have such a solid group of pallies in Sheffield that I never want to leave. Don't make me leave uni :(
Rifampicin and Clindamycin treatment for my HS (I am not spelling that again, but I have to a blog post all about if you want to click right here) is going pretty well, apart from my periods are now a complete mess, which is apparently normal *rolls eyes because its so annoying*. I can completely live with this for 6 months to have the results I'm having (no boils in the last 3 months, I could cry with happiness).
Me posting might get even more erratic than it already is in the next few months with uni, and its 2 month cycle of doom I'm about to enter!
But for now, thanks for having a read of my blog.
Lots of love,